iOS Deployment Workshop
Course #:APL-iOS110-090-CN
Duration: 4 Hours
In this four-hour workshop students learn about the skills, tools, and knowledge needed to deploy iOS devices. Discussions and hands-on activities guide students through decisions required when deploying user-owned and company-owned devices. This class is only available for private delivery upon customer request.
• Define the role of MDM, VPP, and DEP in successfully deploying iOS devices
• Identify and respond to challenges when deploying and managing devices without MDM
• Explain what an Apple ID is and identify when it’s needed
• Discuss the features of iOS that provide for seamless separation of work and personal data
• Describe the benefits of device supervision for company-owned devices
• IT professionals who are responsible for deploying and managing iOS devices
• Technical sales professionals who assist customers in deciding to purchase iOS devices
Introductions and course overview
• Common themes to be covered and explanation of the classroom setup for hands-on activities
• Apple ID and the role it plays in deployment
User owned and managed
• Difficulties encountered when manually configuring devices
• Using Mobile Device Management to improve the deployment experience for users and for IT
• Using the Volume Purchase program to enable app distribution and protect company data
Company owned and supervised
• Using the Device Enrollment Program to streamline deploying company-owned devices
• Decisions a company needs to make to allow personalization of a company-owned device or restrict functionality based on user roles
Wrap-up and considerations
• Summary of lessons learned
• Next steps to take in planning for a successful iOS deployment
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