本课程重点讲述运用OpenGL ES开发iPhone 3D应用或游戏。
掌握Objective-C、iPhone SDK。
1 Quick-Start Guide
- Transitioning to Apple Technology
- A Brief History of OpenGL ES
- Choosing the Appropriate Version of OpenGL ES
- Getting Started
- HelloArrow with Fixed Function
- HelloArrow with Shaders
2 Math and Metaphors
- The Assembly Line Metaphor
- Assembling Primitives from Vertices
- Associating Properties with Vertices
- The Life of a Vertex
- The Photography Metaphor
- Saving and Restoring Transforms with Matrix Stacks
- Animation
- Vector Beautification with C++
- HelloCone with Fixed Function
- HelloCone with Shaders
3 Vertices and Touch Points
- Reading the Touchscreen
- Saving Memory with Vertex Indexing
- Boosting Performance with Vertex Buffer Objects
- Creating a Wireframe Viewer
4 Adding Depth and Realism
- Examining the Depth Buffer
- Creating and Using the Depth Buffer
- Filling the Wireframe with Triangles
- Surface Normals
- Lighting Up
- Shaders Demystified
- Adding Shaders to ModelViewer
- Better Wireframes Using Polygon Offset
- Loading Geometry from OBJ Files
5 Textures and Image Capture
- Adding Textures to ModelViewer
- Texture Coordinates Revisited
- Fight Aliasing with Filtering
- Texture Formats and Types
- Texture Compression with PVRTC
- The PowerVR SDK and Low-Precision Textures
- Generating and Transforming OpenGL Textures with Quartz
- Dealing with Size Constraints
- Creating Textures with the Camera
6 Blending and Augmented Reality
- Blending Recipe
- Wrangle Premultiplied Alpha
- Blending Caveats
- Blending Extensions and Their Uses
- Shifting Texture Color with Per-Vertex Color
- Poor Man’s Reflection with the Stencil Buffer
- Stencil Alternatives for Older iPhones
- Anti-Aliasing Tricks with Offscreen FBOs
- Rendering Anti-Aliased Lines with Textures
- Holodeck Sample
7 Sprites and Text
- Text Rendering 101: Drawing an FPS Counter
- Simplify with glDrawTexOES
- Crisper Text with Distance Fields
- Animation with Sprite Sheets
- Image Composition and a Taste of Multitexturing
- Mixing OpenGL ES and UIKit
- Rendering Confetti, Fireworks, and More: Point Sprites
- Finale: SpringyStars
8 Advanced Lighting and Texturing
- Texture Environments under OpenGL ES 1.1
- Bump Mapping and DOT3 Lighting
- Reflections with Cube Maps
- Anisotropic Filtering: Textures on Steroids
- Image-Processing Example: Bloom
9 Optimizing
- Instruments
- Understand the CPU/GPU Split
- Vertex Submission: Above and Beyond VBOs
- Lighting Optimizations
- Texturing Optimizations
- Culling and Clipping
- Shader Performance
- Optimizing Animation with Vertex Skinning
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